The HUGGING_FACE_PIPELINE node uses a classification pipeline to process and classify an image. For more information about Vision Transformers,
For a complete list of models, see:
For examples of how revision parameters (such as 'main') is used,
see: Params: default : Image The input image to be classified.
The image must be a PIL.Image object, wrapped in a Flojoy Image object. model : str The model to be used for classification.
If not specified, Vision Transformers (i.e. 'google/vit-base-patch16-224') are used. revision : str The revision of the model to be used for classification.
If not specified, 'main' is used. Returns: DataFrame : A DataFrame containing the columns 'label' (as classification label)
and 'score' (as the confidence score).
All scores are between 0 and 1, and sum to 1.
Python Code
import os
from typing import Dict, List
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import PIL.Image as PILImage
from flojoy import DataFrame, Image, flojoy
from flojoy.utils import FLOJOY_CACHE_DIR
@flojoy(deps={"transformers": "4.30.2"})
default: Image,
model: str = "google/vit-base-patch16-224",
revision: str = "main",
) -> DataFrame:
"""The HUGGING_FACE_PIPELINE node uses a classification pipeline to process and classify an image.
For more information about Vision Transformers,
For a complete list of models, see:
For examples of how revision parameters (such as 'main') is used,
default : Image
The input image to be classified.
The image must be a PIL.Image object, wrapped in a Flojoy Image object.
model : str
The model to be used for classification.
If not specified, Vision Transformers (i.e. 'google/vit-base-patch16-224') are used.
revision : str
The revision of the model to be used for classification.
If not specified, 'main' is used.
A DataFrame containing the columns 'label' (as classification label)
and 'score' (as the confidence score).
All scores are between 0 and 1, and sum to 1.
# Setting transformers cache directory to flojoy cache directory before importing transformers
# not to pollute the user's cache directory.
os.environ["TRANSFORMERS_CACHE"] = os.path.join(FLOJOY_CACHE_DIR, "transformers")
from transformers import pipeline as ts_pipeline
# Using Vision Transformer, a general purpose vision model.
# See:
# Lists of revisions:
# TODO: find a way to set the revision and model name as parameters.
pipeline = ts_pipeline("image-classification", model=model, revision=revision)
# Convert input image
input_image = default
r, g, b, a = input_image.r, input_image.g, input_image.b, input_image.a
image_as_nparray = (
np.stack((r, g, b, a), axis=2) if a is not None else np.stack((r, g, b), axis=2)
input_image = PILImage.fromarray(image_as_nparray)
# List of dict of classification labels and confidence scores
# See:
classification_confidence_scores: List[Dict[str, float]] = pipeline(input_image)
df_classification_confidence_scores = DataFrame(
pd.DataFrame(classification_confidence_scores, columns=["label", "score"])
return df_classification_confidence_scores
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In this example, a LOCAL_FILE
node reads in a png image of Ada Lovelace.
The Hugging Face Image classification pipeline processes the image and tries to classify this portrait.